Sunday 29 March 2020

Stuff I'm Listening To - Howard Jones

Artist: Howard Jones
Title: Things Can Only Get Better
Favourite Lyrics
Treating today as though it was the last, the final show
Get to sixty and feel no regret
It may take a little time a lonely path, an uphill climb
Success or failure will not alter it

And do you feel scared, I do
But I won't stop and falter
And if we threw it all away
Things can only get better

Why?: If we are careful, we can control the rate of infection and things will get better.  These are dark times. You're right to feel upset, anxious and worried. We've never experienced anything remotely similar to this in our lifetimes. But we're fortunate. We know enough on how to effectively deal with it, so long as one follows the rules.

For me, I like to deal with my anxiety by reading up on the pathology of this virus. The science behind all of this is truly fascinating. And in many ways, it's very calming for me. It's very much a case of 'knowledge is power'. For example, you've probably heard that the virus is mutating. The problem here is most of us associate 'mutation' with negative connotations, unless you're a comic book reader. The way this virus mutates is, however, not dramatic enough to require a new vaccine every year (like influenza). Any vaccine developed will be able to be used for the long term and still be effective. 

I detest misinformation. Some of it is downright dangerous! Please! Don't take your cousin's sister in-law's best friend's half-brother's dog-groomer's boyfriend's nephew's babysitter's dad who never graduated from high school's advice on how to make your own hand-sanitizer from olive juice and tea tree oil. Just don't! Making your own hand sanitizer gives you a false sense of security. You are better off carrying a water bottle and bar of soap!

Remember, mental health is important too. Do things to cheer yourself up. I've always liked this song by Howard Jones. So catchy, cheerful, hopeful. 80s pop has always been my go to if in need of some cheering up. 

Link to WHO for COVID-19 updates and information:

Educate yourself! Don't panic! Stay safe. Wash your hands! 

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