Your repetitive questions answered in a textual form (as opposed to me shouting it across the parking lot).

How do you take your coffee?
Small. Two creams, no or one sugar depending on how wired I already am. 

How do you take your tea?
Earl Grey. Hot. Two milk, one sugar or honey. 

Favourite Donut?
Old Fashioned Plain or Honey Cruller.

Do you want anything from Tims?
If yes, coffee and a donut please.

Favourite coffee?
Not Tims.

Interesting Coffee Story?
I have cruelty free organically sourced Kopi Luwak in my cupboard. Don't knock it until you try it. If you're not that into coffee or are of the belief that Folgers is some kind of luxury gourmet coffee, you need not waste your time and money with it. For anyone who is and hasn't because it's pricey as f**k, it's the smoothest, mellowist coffee you'll ever have. That harsh bitter is gone.

Favourite Team?
Hockey: Obviously any Canadian Women's team that was likely led by Haley Wickenhauser because they all won gold, right? Otherwise, Maple Leafs (because Toronto) and the Habs (because of Roch Carrier), the Oilers during the Gretzky era as well as pre-double digit aged me had a crush on the captain. .
I don't know any other sports enough to give you a team. 
Duran Duran? Talk Talk?
Yes. I love them both. No.... I'm not a raging The The fan. They're music's good, but they never struck that teenage fan girl vibe in me like the others. 

Seriously... very quickly. I fell in love with Duran Duran shortly after they regrouped in 1987 and their popularity was diminishing. It was my first start into being able to really collect my own music. I had a part time job and some spending money so I wanted to expand my collection beyond what I was stealing from my older brother. I was looking through some tapes, and Rio was there and I recalled 'Hey... I like a couple of these songs' and there was no turning back. My gosh, they're cute. I like John and Nick. I'm going to learn how to play bass (because I already knew piano, and I play bass, but terribly, because I never kept at it). Also, it was a very nerdy thing to admit you still liked them at that point and I was treated like a loser (by a few people) because they were so yesterday. I decided I liked going against the mainstream and Duran Duran remained the forefront of my rebellious nature. I became a mod/skater. Ska and punk were it. If it smacked of Alternative, I consumed it.

Talk Talk happened sometime between 2014(?) to 2018. I started expanding my music library several years ago by diving into stuff I remembered enjoying when I was younger. I'm also staunchly logical, and did this alphabetically. A few Adam Ant songs were rediscovered at the beginning of my hunt for music. So now you know where I was in the alphabet. With Talk Talk, the second version of the video for "It's My Life" (the one with the lip syncing overlay) caught my eye, which led me to discover "Such A Shame". It was, as ashamed as I am to admit it, as shallow as, "Ermagad! ... The lead singer is kind of adorkable." So I'm looking for more videos and photos, and there's articles that started to get read and then BOOM! I'm literally the first line in "It's My Life"... "Funny, how I found myself in love with you".

What the heck is a 'closet introvert'?
Seems like nobody understands that I like being alone. Apparently I don't give off that vibe. I discovered early in life that I needed to be 'on' around other people. My parents ran a convenience store and I had to interact with many people. When people would come in, I was expected to be nice and was lightly scolded when I wasn't. I don't blame my parents for it. They did was what expected, what was socially normal. So I learned to be bright, cheerful, friendly. It's fucking draining as hell. I don't like people. 

That's not true. I like people, but people get weird around me, think I'm a total bitch and don't like me if I sit quietly. I like to listen. I like to watch and observe. I would much rather not interact, but apparently, it's rude if someone says "Hi" to you and you don't say anything back. You're a miserable person apparently. Shy=Miserable. 


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