About Peanut

I look like this in RL

Introducing the Peanut Gallery

I am the Peanut. It was a nickname given to me because I was being a smartass at work, making comments, being a Peanut Gallery.

I have a couple of blogs that start, sputter and fail. This one is my fourth (possibly sixth) attempt.

What it is:
A Work in Progress - a personal journal - where I spew off unjudged, unfiltered. Offended? Again, I'm spewing. In moments of passion, thoughts are not necessarily coherent or well put together. I will likely often contradict myself. This is literally a dumping ground for me, for now.

More to come when I'm not tired and doing laundry.

Things you should probably know about me before you go any further:

I'm mentally a giggling eight year old most of the time. Stupid things make me laugh. Sexual innuendos? Bring 'em! I make no apologies for thinking dad jokes are hilarious. And gross things... well they don't gross me out. You've been warned. Hold my beer while I try to stick this thing up my nose to see if I can. (Disclaimer: Don't stick things in your nose. That's gross and potentially dangerous).

I'm a Duranie who's recently discovered Talk Talk. So I make no apologies for the excessive number of Talk Talk related posts for now since they're shiny, new and exciting for me. There will likely be a large number of posts about Rustin Man (Paul Webb)* too because he's got an album (ahem... a GREAT album) out and he's a gentleman and he may or may not be that crush I was referring to in my About Blog page.

I ride motorcycle. If you ride, you understand. If you don't ride, just know it's fun, empowering, amazing and means that there will always be an obsessively large number of photos of my bike around. 

I'm a geek. If it smacks of fandom, I'm probably there.

In relation to the line above, I have so many shows and so little time. I'm behind on my shows and it takes time for me to get into new things so forgive me if I haven't heard of that show you watch. I'll probably eventually watch when I have time. 

Current Fandoms and things I like?

Star Wars? Star Wars.

Star Trek? Star Trek. 

Dr. Who - Yeah, my car's colour was specifically chosen because it reminded me of the TARDIS.

Firefly - I would have 'I am a Leaf on the Wind. Watch how I soar' tattooed somewhere on my body if I were to have a tattoo. It would go right beside 'It's My Life, It Never Ends' if I had such a tattoo on my body. I need a tattoo, dammit. 

The Reaction - is this a fandom? I dunno. I've recently become Facebook friends with the lead guitarist from the band and I'm totally smitten with him because he's being nice to me. That and he's kind of cute. :) *  And this was the easiest place to plunk this on this page without having to reformat the whole damn thing. ... efff.. it's late... it's a work night. Gah!

*Apologies to Paul Webb and George Page. If you're reading this please remember it's likely 3 in the morning and I'm tired and always unhinged around this time. But I do really like you guys. You're awesome. :) 

Find me elsewhere on the interwebs:

https://www.instagram.com/motorcycle_peanut/ https://twitter.com/AKPeanut

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