About This Blog

This is Precious Christine, my Honda Shadow Spirit 750
So... I finally started Instagram-ing and have discovered the limitations of these (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) social media platforms. I like to write. I tend to ramble and I have no focus in life.

I've started using Facebook like a diary and while it's been fun, it's limiting. I can't, say, post a link to a video and a photo at the same time without it looking wonky. And then Instagram doesn't do links very well.

Plus, Instagram is like Twitter, but with more followers. And then someone I really like and admire, (aside: and have a giant crush on!!), starting following me and liked and commented on a few posts. I had a fan girl moment (READ: OMG I am pissing my pants!) and was like... Be cool, be cool. Don't scare him away FFS! And if he is reading this... well... Um...

*Panics... Runs away... Hides. Ugly crying like Troy in Community when he met Levar Burton, sitting in the washroom.*

K... so let's try this again. Here are my collected thoughts, rantings and ramblings.

The point?

I dunno. Maybe my life experiences, few and far in between as they are, might amuse someone, might provide a valuable lesson, might help someone know they're not alone in the weirdness of life? Take what you want from this. And try to keep up, I have to follow a guy on a 103 Street Glide who seems to forget I've only got a 750 Honda Shadow. FYI... I keep up with him just fine, thanks.

What's going into this blog:

So I've started posting songs that I listen to from Facebook, I'll try to put my Throwback Thursday posts on Instagram among other things.

I think this will be my blog and collected social media spot. I'm going to back date my posts to match the dates they went up on social media because I'm weird that way.

Talk Talk
Also, this is me, and I've recently gotten into Talk Talk. For those who know me, you remember when I was in high school and EVERYTHING I did was Duran Duran related? Yeah... you know what's coming. But, because I'm allegedly an adult now, I'll try my best to keep that to a minimum.  (READ: Eff you all. I'll make every post about Mark Hollis, Paul Webb and Lee Harris if I can, dammit.)

Duran Duran

First random fact about me: I am in a later stage of life and it feels like puberty all over again, right down to the crushing after unattainable celebrities. (Read: I think I'm a cougar because those photos of Talk Talk and Duran Duran when they're like half my current age (and younger)... daaaaamn! But I've seen what they look like now and they're still hot...)

Mom loves a man in uniform

Fun fact 2: My mom developed a GIANT crush on Patrick Stewart. Seems mom and me really like British men. 

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