Artist: Nigel Kennedy
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi
Title: Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, "Summer" (L'estate)
Why?: Welcome to the heat! I think this piece isn't presented often enough. Everyone knows "Spring". I think if Vivaldi was a pop star, The Four Seasons would have been his top 40 album. "Spring" would have been his top 10 single from the album. (AND everyone knows "Winter" from those diamond commercials too).
I recall Nigel Kennedy explaining how he was always able to relate to this part. Unlike the sparkly sound Spring and Fall, this concerto is slow, a little sad, a little oppressive until the climatic release in the third part. If a thunderstorm had a soundtrack, this is it. He (Nigel) said that he suffered from asthma(?) (and apparently so did Vivaldi) and in those especially humid and uncomfortable days, he suffers. I am no fan of humidity so this piece fits for today and the rest of any long uncomfortable days of summer.
Below are the other two parts of the "Summer" concerto. I've also included Vanessa Mae's take on the third "Storm" part of the piece, which I absolutely enjoy rocking out to.