Monday 1 July 2019

Happy Canada Day! Peace and Love and Kraft Dinner!

I love Canada. 

My Canada includes KD, and Deadpool.
I remember growing up with all my friends and I remember how it never mattered where are parents were originally from. We were all kids and we liked a lot of the same things and we were all Canadian.

And we all ate our Kraft Dinner and hotly debated on the need to have ketchup on it or not. Did you add Cheese Whiz too? Velveeta? Hot Dogs? Fried Bologna?

And that was it. Kraft Dinner. Ketchup and whatever else you had or not. We can argue up and down about the right way to eat it. And in the end, despite our differences, it was still Kraft Dinner, it was Canadian and we all ate it (or in some cases, didn't like it at all...Eyes those people suspiciously) and we're all still friends.

Here's hoping eventually everyone can enjoy the KD and love each other just the same despite our differences in ourselves or in the way we have our mac and cheese. 

Peace. Happy Canada Day! 

Also for your listening pleasure - Stuff I'm Listening To: The Canada Day Edition: 

Artst: Barenaked Ladies

Title: If I Had Million Dollars

Favourite Lyrics: (which is actually part interchorus banter...)

If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner 
But we would eat Kraft dinner  
Of course we would, we'd just eat more
And buy really expensive ketchups with it
That's right, all the fanciest dijon ketchups.
Why?: Well, it's Canada Day, it inspired me to write the above and because I can think of nothing more of my generation Canada than this.

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