Thursday 12 September 2019

Stuff I'm Listening To #61 - Japan

Artist: Japan

Title: Gentleman Take Polaroids

Favourite Lyrics:
I'd like to slip away with you
And if you said you love me
How could I mind?
Is there another side to everything you do?

Why: I must sheepishly admit, the only reason I learned about Japan was because I started collecting old British music magazines with Duran Duran in them. And in those magazines, here was this gloriously beautiful man who looked a like Nick Rhodes. So naturally I sought them out. This was probably one of the first cassette tapes I found by them, in a used record/music shop, for dirt cheap. I threw it on because I needed to know what this was all about. Back in 1987 it wasn't as if I could just look them up on Spotify. None of my friends seemed to be into the same kind of music I was starting to discover. Duran Duran was already considered passe by my peers, but they were my gateway into some very good music. Had it not been for them, I wouldn't have dug my heels in, pulled away from the top 40 pop music trends, and moved backwards, seeking all that I had missed because I was too young at the time (or in some cases, not even born yet). This backwards musical journey continues today. As I'd listened to my first Traffic song just prior to posting this.

Back to 1987. Up to this point, all I knew about Japan was what their lead singer looked like. 

This song, the first track of that album, comes on. Dreamy, soft, flowy, a little melancholy and beautiful. And his voice.... This glorious, low voice. I was immediately in love. This remains one of my most favourite songs by Japan. It remains one of my most favourite songs in general.

Fun fact: Today was the first time I'd ever actually seen this video. Despite me being utterly shallow at times, after all, I still think David Sylvian's beauty is something to behold, the lack of my actual knowledge of his videos should say something about the quality of their music. It was his voice and the music that stuck with me all these years and for some reason made me decide to listen to it today and decide to post it today. Yes, the cover the book made me buy it, but it's always the substance inside that book that remains.

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